If you want to improve your life, implementing positive habits is an amazing way to start. When you commit to even one small each day, you will experience much more happiness over time.
We really are the culmination of our thoughts, habits, and beliefs – what we do on a daily basis matters and it’s a direct reflection of the quality of our lives.
Once you start new habits, and follow through, you’ll realize how amazing and literally life-changing this kind of self-improvement can be.
It gives you this awesome feeling of knowing that you are in the driver’s seat of your life.
Not only that, taking concrete action steps towards your dream life on a daily basis helps your recognize your true potential instead of settling for what you’re used to.
These 10 positive habits are only a handful of simple actions that worked best for me and I know they can benefit you as well.
I’m super excited about this post!
Let's jump in...
1. Make Your Bed (Everyday)
Sounds simple and underwhelming, but there’s nothing like coming back to your bedroom at the end of the day and seeing a made bed. Even if everything else had gone wrong that day, you did at least one productive thing.
This great book 👉 Make Your Bed by U.S. Navy (Retired) Admiral William H. McRaven shares why such a simple habit can be a game changer.
2. Exercise/ Stretch for 10-15 mins Per Day
I never really enjoyed working out, but I love feeling strong and having energy. So instead of seeing it as a chore, now I view it as a mood booster.
And I’m not going to the gym or following a strict regimen. I turn on 10 minute workouts on demand or on YouTube and do them right in my living room. 10 mins is better than ZERO minutes.
3. A Clean Home Is A Happy Home
Chores aren’t everyone’s favorite pastime, but cleaning can actually be therapeutic. For several reasons. You can listen to some music, a motivational talk, or one of your favorite podcasts while folding laundry or doing the dishes. Or you can just be with your thoughts and practice being mindful - which is like giving your brain superfoods. I’m just saying, chores don’t have to be boring.
4. Do Something Fun
Whatever that looks like for you - do it, stop putting it off. Play the instrument. Go out hiking. Bake. Relax by the lake. Do the things you enjoy most because life is busier than ever these days.
A fun outlet or hobby offers the best way to unwind from your daily routine and step away from stressful situations. Making time for activities you love helps you feel happier, more relaxed and better equipped to handle life’s many stressors.
5. Give Yourself A Pep Talk
Sounds crazy but boyyyyy does it work. I’d rather look crazy alone in my bathroom mirror than wandering around life with an apathetic attitude. I believe in myself, even when I doubt myself. I push myself to go hard, and also give myself grace when it’s time to slow down.
The best way to overcome negative self talk is by building yourself up every single day.
6. You Are What You Eat
If you eat healthy foods that give good energy, you will be healthier and have good energy. If you eat stuff that makes you feel sluggish like, lots of sugar, then that’s how you’ll be - sluggish. It’s not a huge change, it’s just being intentional about how you fuel your body. Fruits, veggies, and water is a good start.
7. Spend Time Outdoors
Especially on sunny days. Not to get all nerdy on you here, but it’s worth mentioning that research shows a link between exposure to nature and stress reduction. Stress is relieved within minutes of exposure to nature as measured by muscle tension, blood pressure, and brain activity.
Time in green spaces significantly reduces your cortisol, which is a stress hormone. Nature also boosts endorphin levels and dopamine production, which promotes happiness. So, get outside!
8. Get Rid of Clutter
Your environment has a direct impact on your mental wellbeing. When your space is messy and disheveled, you’ll feel that energy in your psyche. I’m not suggesting you try to tackle every room in your house in one afternoon.
Start with some easy 10-minute decluttering tasks that will yield big results. Here are a couple of examples: clear off your kitchen counters, clean out your junk drawer, or declutter your workspace.
Even though these projects don't seem "major", they still yield big results. You may be surprised by what you can accomplish in short focused bursts of time.
9. Read a Book Every Month
One of the cheapest, easiest, and most time-tested ways to sharpen your brain is right in front of your face - reading. When you tune into a good book, you also tune out the world, making it a great activity to practice mindfulness.
Here are a few of my faves to get you started:
Mindset by Carol Dweck
The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho
Year of Yes by Shonda Rhimes
Life’s Golden Ticket by Brendon Burchard
A Promised Land by President Barack Obama
10. Master Your Mindset
In all areas of your life. You already know how I feel about this.
Caring for your mental wellbeing is the cornerstone of feeling better and living a meaningful life. Your thoughts and mindset determine the quality of everything in your life - your relationships, your work, even how you enjoy small simple pleasures.
When it comes to implementing habits, please don’t beat yourself up when you fall off track. That defeats the whole purpose.
Although I listed 10 habits, I'm not suggesting you start a ton of habits at once. Start with one or two, maybe three habits, and when you feel comfortable, you can add more if you'd like.
The habits I included on the list can serve as an inspiration for you and if you have a certain hobby (in my case calligraphy) or a skill that you want to develop, make sure to add them as well.
It’s all about doing what feels good for YOU.
Until next time,